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Topic: Dust causing blue spots when dissolved in organic solvents  (Read 2854 times)

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Dust causing blue spots when dissolved in organic solvents
« on: March 20, 2017, 09:18:49 PM »
I'm having an issue at work with a specific type of dust particle. They are little black fibers that are about 20 microns wide and about 1 millimeter long. You can see them with the naked eye, barely. The problem is that when they come into contact with an organic solvent (we are working with polyurethane dispersed in DMF and MEK), they leach a bluish color in their immediate area. When they do this, the fiber remain intact. I've been wracking my brain trying to find the source of these things. Has anyone experienced this before, and can you shed any light on it?

Offline Arkcon

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Re: Dust causing blue spots when dissolved in organic solvents
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2017, 07:12:14 AM »
OK.  You're doing some sort of processing, and you're getting a contaminant that's really screwing up your process.  That much is clear.  Of all the possible sources of a blue fiber that has a solvent extractable dye, I don't think there's a definitive source for us to determine.  But process controls are up to you.

Start simply: sweep up your area, air it out, run the air flow in the area, check and clean air filters, and anything you can think of.  If you think you've done enough, do it again, and see if it reduces the occurrences, and realize -- that means you aren't doing enough, and do more.

Consider doing your processing under air flow, or in a containment hood or glove box. 

Control your environment: have your workers brush their uniforms before they start work, and try to track the source.

Consider dry runs with just water.  Then filter the water.  Now you'll have captured the fibers, and can have them analyzed.
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

Offline Starik

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Re: Dust causing blue spots when dissolved in organic solvents
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2017, 06:27:57 PM »
Thank you, Arkcon.

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