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Radioactive Smuggling

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--- Quote from: constant thinker on October 06, 2005, 05:01:30 PM ---I say radioactive in general because a dirty bomb just needs something that'll spread radioactivity over an area.
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Mitch is probably in better position to comment but I remember reading somewhere on the dirty bomb that the idea is much overrated.

If the material is radioactive enough to pose a threat when dispersed, it generates so much heat that making a bomb is practically impossible. If the material is not so radioactive (or in minute quantities), bomb is not so dangerous.

I would say that the dirty bomb has much greater social effect unexploded (and unmade) due to general public radioactivity phobia, that it will have on the lives of the people in the perimeter (?English?) when exploded.


--- Quote from: jdurg on October 06, 2005, 08:58:52 AM ---My conclusion?  This is made up and not even remotely true.

--- End quote ---

While in this particular case you are probably right there was a loud story many years ago in Poland with a man who stole radioactive material from some kind of measuring device and he went home with the radioactive material in his pocket - by bus! I remember he landed in the hospital (before the prison), and I believe people who were going by this particular bus at this particular hour were searched for by militia. I think it was back in eighties or at the beginning of nineties, perhaps AWK will remeber something more.

Is this story true?


Yup.  And it's VERY well documented by numerous media sources.   ;D

constant thinker:
That's a scary story kind of.


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