Chemical Forums

Chemistry Forums for Students => High School Chemistry Forum => Topic started by: shipitpls on October 20, 2007, 01:29:47 PM

Title: Solubility
Post by: shipitpls on October 20, 2007, 01:29:47 PM
I have to pick a nonpolar solvent (chose CCl4), a polar solvent (chose H2O) and a solute (chose KCl). Now I have to draw what happens on a molecular level for KCl when it's combined with each of the solvents. I also have to show how temperature or pressure affects the interactions between the solute and solvent to change solubility.

So for KCl/CCl4 nothing happens since it's polar/non-polar so I'll just draw KCl molecules in a pool of CCl4 molecules, without them dissociating.

For KCl/H2O the KCl molecule dissociates since it's polar/polar so I'll draw the H2 molecules of water surrounding the dissociated Cl molecues and the O molecule of water surrounding the K molecules (+ - charges).

Now for the last part I'm picking temperature (obv the most common one) but I'm not sure how to draw the change in solubility for this one, even though I know what happens theoretically, (KCl in H2O again let's say). Any ideas on how to illustrate this?
