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Topic: ChemDraw templates  (Read 4922 times)

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ChemDraw templates
« on: May 20, 2014, 07:40:32 AM »
Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this, couldn't find a computational chemistry forum. Since I can't find a working site where you can download extra ChemDraw templates, and upload your own ones, I'll start a thread for it. Pitch in any useful ChemDraw template files you have, especially ones with difficult to draw molecules. I'll start off:


Phthalic acid derivatives:

I'm gonna make a webpage with a database when I have the time. I'm gonna find a way to export all the templates and molecules to .mol files, then to a wide range of other formats so that people can just import them into whatever molecule drawing software they use. I'll find out a way to do it all in batch, so I can generate all kinds of different files while I'm at it.

Something I've been wondering about are .svg imagines. From what I read, they are a special image format that uses XML to code the image. If thats true, then it should be possible to convert SVGs directly into .mol files, depending on how they were generated. Anyone know how to do that?

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