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Chemistry Forums for Students => Inorganic Chemistry Forum => Topic started by: kvnkst on November 23, 2011, 04:30:26 PM

Title: There are .333mg of L-Tryptophan per 100g of turkey meat.
Post by: kvnkst on November 23, 2011, 04:30:26 PM
There are .333mg of L-Tryptophan per 100g of turkey meat.

a) How much Tryptophan in a 20lb turkey?
 b) How much Tryptophan did you eat in your slices?
 c) How does the amount you ate compare to the daily requirements of nutrition?
*tip* 5lbs of meat in a 20lb turkey****
Title: Re: There are .333mg of L-Tryptophan per 100g of turkey meat.
Post by: Arkcon on November 23, 2011, 05:10:58 PM
Greetings kvnkst: and welcome to the chemical forums.  Thanks for the holiday topical questions.  At least, thaks for the for the US, everyone in Canada thinks you're a month late, and everyone in the rest of the world is scratching their heads.  Just to let you know, if this is really a homework assignment, we'd like to see you try to solve it yourself first.  We don't really like to give compete answers around here.  FWIW, I don't know how you're going to complete part 2, I rarely weigh out the food I eat, even less so on holidays.
Title: Re: There are .333mg of L-Tryptophan per 100g of turkey meat.
Post by: kvnkst on November 23, 2011, 06:04:15 PM
Well the way i figure it, if I'm only getting 5 lbs of meat from the turkey (the rest bones and such) I can eat at least 16oz, which i need to put into grams. I have talked this problem with the rest of my class and we are all scratching our heads. I can really use the help, this is for extra credit and I need all the points i can. Thanks
Title: Re: There are .333mg of L-Tryptophan per 100g of turkey meat.
Post by: UG on November 23, 2011, 06:11:57 PM
I can eat at least 16oz, which i need to put into grams.
Yes that's right, do you know how to convert it?
Might have to do a Google search, that's what I did  :)
Title: Re: There are .333mg of L-Tryptophan per 100g of turkey meat.
Post by: Arkcon on November 23, 2011, 06:49:53 PM
Like UG: said, this is simply a conversion of units problem.  Your textbook, or a variety of other sources, has the conversion factors to translate lbs to grams.  Then just multiply.