Chemical Forums

Chemistry Forums for Students => Undergraduate General Chemistry Forum => Topic started by: CactX on April 10, 2006, 06:38:06 PM

Title: A non-lethal stun grenade
Post by: CactX on April 10, 2006, 06:38:06 PM
Hello Chemical forums,

I am part of a paintball team, not as a player but more of  a develloper if I can say so, I am charged of making my team win by the use of new technologies. The league we are part of is special. They allow the use of modifications for the "gun", use of scopes and of hand-grenades. I have already made a non-heated smoke grenade by "catching" smoke particules (if you see what i mean) contained by a heat containing can. Works really well i must admit. Some other teams are even buying some from us. ANyway, that's not the point. I wanted to make a grenade (non-lethal of course, We do not want to kill our adversaries...or not ;) ) that temporaly blinds the target. I've been checking my books and i founded what ingredients i might need:
2-Potassium Nitrate (Sorry if i do not wirte this correctly, english is not my first language)
Now, the question is How much and When to place them.


FĂ©lix Thouin, 14 years old
Title: Re: A non-lethal stun grenade
Post by: Mitch on April 10, 2006, 06:57:56 PM
Again this is a case of. If you have to ask how much potassium nitrate you need to use, you should not be doing it. Topics about which explosive compounds will make a person blind are definately not appropriate here. Topic Locked