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Specialty Chemistry Forums => Chemical Engineering Forum => Topic started by: marciokoko on August 21, 2015, 10:06:53 AM

Title: Dissolving caustic soda flakes in water
Post by: marciokoko on August 21, 2015, 10:06:53 AM
We need to make a liquid solution of caustic soda at 50%.

Ive heard from some industrial users around me that they do this all the time, every year to make their own solution. But other industrial users buy the liquid caustic soda at 50% because they say there is no company locally that will provide the service of dissolving the flakes in water.

Is there some special way of making 50% liquid caustic soda apart from the obvious safety requirements?
Title: Re: Dissolving caustic soda flakes in water
Post by: Arkcon on August 21, 2015, 10:30:14 AM
No, there really isn't too much difficulty, but the devil is in the details.  You casually mention the safety, I have to hope you've taken everything into account.  Can you work safely with the volume you will need?  That means, starting with fiber drums of "flakes", to the prep of the solution and the disposal of everything.  Also, what accuracy of 50% solution do you need, and can you achieve it.
Title: Re: Dissolving caustic soda flakes in water
Post by: marciokoko on August 21, 2015, 11:35:20 AM

I agree, the devil is in the details.  No I have not taken anything into account yet because I just yesterday began considering the scenario.  We have a client who actually has liquid caustic soda tanks to hold what they currently buy.  We would obviously begin by visiting them first and then visit some chemical companies to review their processes.

I was just wondering about the chemical complexity of the process itself because I read about the electrolytic processing of it from a few company websites.
Title: Re: Dissolving caustic soda flakes in water
Post by: DrCMS on August 21, 2015, 04:57:31 PM
It is cheaper to buy caustic soda solution than make it.
Title: Re: Dissolving caustic soda flakes in water
Post by: marciokoko on August 21, 2015, 06:31:50 PM
Yes I know.  But Im thinking that maybe there is some value to be added from flakes to liquid.
Title: Re: Dissolving caustic soda flakes in water
Post by: DrCMS on August 22, 2015, 03:14:29 PM
Yes I know.  But Im thinking that maybe there is some value to be added from flakes to liquid.

No I meant it is cheaper to buy the solution than buy the solid and dissolve it.
Title: Re: Dissolving caustic soda flakes in water
Post by: Arkcon on August 22, 2015, 03:45:29 PM
I was just wondering about the chemical complexity of the process itself because I read about the electrolytic processing of it from a few company websites.

See, this part here doesn't make much sense.  You've bought caustic soda, a slightly impure form of sodium hydroxide.  It made electrolytically, but you don't make it yourself in that manner.  You're going to buy plastic sacs full of a hygroscopic power that will easily strip the skin off of anyone who handles it, and generates lots of heat when mixed with water..  Do you believe that you're prepared to avoid an accident,  given that you are worrying about the wrong issues?
Title: Re: Dissolving caustic soda flakes in water
Post by: marciokoko on August 24, 2015, 11:30:25 AM
Why am I worried about the wrong issues, according to you?
Title: Re: Dissolving caustic soda flakes in water
Post by: Arkcon on August 24, 2015, 01:15:34 PM
Can you tell us how:

I was just wondering about the chemical complexity of the process itself because I read about the electrolytic processing of it from a few company websites.

Is pertinent to your current application and preparation method?
Title: Re: Dissolving caustic soda flakes in water
Post by: marciokoko on August 24, 2015, 07:39:41 PM
I dont have a current preparation method. 

My question from the start was mostly about the complexity of preparing the liquid variant of this product.  I was wondering if there was a process that involved processing with special chemical reactants or machinery.

We are just starting to get to know the process but we dont have anything installed yet.  We have a sister company that does handle liquid caustic soda and we are learning from them.  I just wanted to know a little more about the industrial process of dissolving the solid in water to produce the liquid.

I read about this electrolytic processing of caustic soda and I was wondering what it referred to?  I wanted to know if it was relevant to what I planned to do.