Chemical Forums

Chemistry Forums for Students => High School Chemistry Forum => Topic started by: scotthoward on September 24, 2005, 01:34:46 AM

Title: Protons
Post by: scotthoward on September 24, 2005, 01:34:46 AM
Hey, Just want to confirm my answer for this question. I think the answer is e) Cl, but what does the super script 2+ mean on the Sulfur?

Which one has the greatest number of protons?
  a. ) Si-    
  b. ) F-    
  c. ) S2+    
  d. ) P-    
  e. ) Cl-  
Title: Re:Protons
Post by: xiankai on September 24, 2005, 03:31:25 AM
it means it has a electrovalency charge of +2.

yes, your answer is correct.
Title: Re:Protons
Post by: Donaldson Tan on September 25, 2005, 02:07:12 AM
it means that sulphur ion contains 2+ charge. This means the original sulphur atom looses 2 electrons to form S2+ cation.