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Specialty Chemistry Forums => Other Sciences Question Forum => Topic started by: auriuman78 on June 06, 2012, 03:53:50 PM

Title: Budget replacement ceramic top for Corning PC-220
Post by: auriuman78 on June 06, 2012, 03:53:50 PM
Hello all, I've a 4" x 5" Corning PC-220 mag stirrer/heatplate combo.  My ceramic top was damaged in a moving accident which cracked it.  I've tried using a few different ceramic and porcelain tiles from Lowe's but they all break/crack again above setting 4 or around 250C which is around half its potential.  Clearly I'm not using appropriately composed tiles that can withstand heat that high.  Top end under full load is rated at 550C.  Any suggestions where I may find such tile?  Cutting, dimensioning and mounting is a task I can handle.  What I am having trouble with is finding tiles that can withstand that kind of heat.  Pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.  Thanks in advance!