Chemical Forums

Specialty Chemistry Forums => Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry Forum => Topic started by: Albert on December 27, 2005, 06:48:12 AM

Title: Safety routine procedures for chem desks
Post by: Albert on December 27, 2005, 06:48:12 AM
Talking about radioisotope techniques in biochemistry, my professor talked about a procedure for detecting the presence of weak beta-emitting isotopes on the desks in labs.
I can't remember in what it consists. I think he said something about spraying a fluor or a scintillation cocktail (mmh, I don't think so).
However, he refered to it as standard procedure, so I guess someone knows the answer.

I'm looking forward to reading your replies.
Thank you.
Title: Re:Safety routine procedures for chem desks
Post by: sdekivit on January 07, 2006, 04:49:45 PM
weak beta-radiation is detected with a scintillation cocktail indeed, with a high yield, because the beta-particles are direct in contact with the scintallator.

Unfortunately, correcting for quenching may be needed.

So just mix some of the radioactive source in scintillation fluid and put it in a LSC