We will take that as a no answer then , you can't detect Dopamine therefore Dopamine is speculation
You can't observe dopamine with a microscope (using a tunneling microscope in very low temperatures it should be definitely possible though, but that's highly impractical), but sure you can detect it.
Same can be said about - say - electrons or magnetic fields, so by your logic they don't exist as well.
Dopamine is a compound with a well known properties, one that we know how to synthesize, how to separate, one that you can buy (as a hydrochloride) salt, one that is used intravenously as a medication in some cases. You really think it is all speculation?
You can prove me wrong by providing a picture of the ''chemical'' Dopamine of course .
Sure thing, image attached.
I am not being awkward or an ''enemy''of chemistry . My learning style is an absolute learing style , something Honey and Mumford never considered .
You say we can detect Dopamine , by this do you mean you can take a swab and it will show up on a machine test similar to an airport test machine or do you mean something else?
We don't actually detect electrons fyi , there is no way to test the elementary conserved charge of a particle . It is not like we can just attach an electrical test meter and measure a voltage etc . We can zoom in using special equipment and see latices etc but we cannot see the exact makeup of an atom. Protons , nuetrons and electrons are just one model we use that is accepted at this time but it isn't absolute either .
I recall some chemistry , the p-layers , but this is incorrect because it is not how the physics works .
If I ingest any chemical substance , we could take bloods or urine samples and the substance will show up in a toxicology report .
So you claim we can detect Dopamines, I disagree unless you are using brain fluid or other ,then analising this .
I'll be blunt , you are saying to me , you know what is in an unlabelled can without opening it .
Could you please explain the method of detection for me ?
I want to believe you but I require absolute proofs , not something that only exists written on paper .