Oliver: The answer you received on another forum is largely incorrect. For example, (OC)5Mn-Mn(CO)5 was the first cmpd shown by Dahl to have a covalent metal-metal bond by X-ray crystallography back in the early 60s. It is a reasonably stable red-brown crystalline solid that has a distinct metallic order. The η-C4H4 is the aromatic cyclobutadienyl (C4H4^2-) unit trapped on a Ru atom; Petit made the first one (Fe cmplx) again in early 60s.
It is obvious from your question you're in your final year as an undergrad and hence you should be researching these cmpds by yourself (it's fun!). The texts you need to consult are Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry I, II, & III. But you will find what you want in COMC I (Wilkinson, Stone & Abel eds) that covers the lit on organometallic chem up to 1980. My set is green leather. I hope you come across β-elimination and the aufbau reacktion (luv it!) in your travels.