1. Which test? The NIDA 5 or something more specific? I would be surprised if anyone can give you "yes" or "no" response without any information of the urine test type.
2. THC is quite non-polar
however you've neglected to consider the pharmacokinetic results of it's presence in the body. Enzymes will make it more polar to help it leave the body. Some of these metabolites are quite polar (
THC metabolites (wikipedia)) relative to the parent. Will these metabolites be stopped by a carbon filter? If so, will it be the ones a test kit detects? Again, if so, will the concentration be low enough to evade the cut off point for detection?
3. What about non-THC cannibinoids in Cannabis spp. - are any of these detected by the urine tests? Their metabolites?
There are many variables you're wishfully ignoring. You can find a bit of starter information