Or you may have simply inhaled some fine SDS powder. That's happened to me, and that stuff is choking and nasty for days after inhaling. Yes, its only shampoo -- but not in powdered form, and then inhaled.
Seriously, don't do lab work when you're seriously incapacitated. I once made a buffer with a ripping migraine headache that hurt so bad, I actually lay my head, face first, on a lab bench to rest -- I simply didn't care about lab hygiene at that point. At any rate, the reaction failed for the rest of the week, because instead of make 8.6 buffer, I made 6.8 buffer.
If you really had the flu, and not just a bad cold, you should have stayed home. If you're really too sick, then say so to the powers that be at your lab, and use the time to catch up on paperwork, and promise to make up the prep work when you're better.