Hi, everyone!
I have recently been thinking about that of possibly acquiring a chemistry certificate, or even an actual license to practice chemistry privately. A lot of people have this hobby, but as I know there are issues in some countries with the private practice of chemistry--and even that of simply owning laboratory glassware--I thought an overall "safe-sound" might be to acquire a chemistry certificate of some kind to at least show the proper authorities that one is not an amateur and knows exactly what one is doing, to put their minds at ease.
Also, the possibility of acquiring an actual license to practice is something I've heard of but been unable to find anything concrete on so far by searching online. Can anyone in here be of some help in this regard?
As far as a certificate in chemistry goes, an actual university/college degree is, regrettably, not an option as I'm 34 years old with a full time job, a family to provide for and everything else in between. So going back to school at such a "hardcore level" is not really possible. So if there are chemistry courses and such one can take to acquire a certificate, that would be what I'm looking for. While I understand that this would not at all equal a license or any "safety" in terms of legal repercussions from practicing chemistry in the privacy of one's home in various countries, it would definitely not hurt. We don't have many such issues here in Japan, but I always feel it's better to be safe than sorry.