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Topic: Gravimetric analysis of triiodide and pentaiodide salts.  (Read 2041 times)

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Gravimetric analysis of triiodide and pentaiodide salts.
« on: October 09, 2016, 01:41:44 PM »
Dear reader,

I hope you're having a great day all is sweet&shine. A couple of days ago I had a lab where we determined the %I in (Me4N)I3 and in (Me4N)I5 using gravimetric  analysis. The calculations where pretty straight forward although I was intrigued by the different colour displayed by both salts.

a) (Me4N)I + I2  :rarrow: (Me4N)I2

b) (Me4N)I + 2I2  :rarrow:   (Me4N)I5

In both reactions the amount of  Iodide used was equivalent (0.2g) , only the iodine content differed (1.3g for a) and 2.6g for b)). The triiodide crystals displayed a magnificent shiny purple colour that soon turned into a reddish/bordeaux shade after being dried. The pentaiodide crystals displayed a rather unique colour between silver and blue.

I was therefore intrigued (and still am) by the visual difference between those two crystals. My primal hypothesis was that the I5 structure brought delocalization in the proximity of the tetramethylammonium causing the molecule to absorb in the far-end of the visible spectrum. This is all of course highly speculative so I'd love to hear your point of view regarding that colour change  :).

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