June 03, 2024, 06:14:37 PM
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Topic: Product analysis to determine common element causing a specific physical effect  (Read 3821 times)

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Offline me_me1

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Hi there! I may not be in the right place and feel free to let me know if I'm not!

I am not remotely a chemist type. I'm a creative. So I apologise now for not knowing technical terms etc – please bear with me! I have a bit of a puzzle...

Over the past 18 months I have had a few bouts of what the docs are telling me is superior oblique myokymia. Basically, something triggers a reaction in my right eye and the vision in that eye jumps around, goes shimmery, jitterbugs, etc. This is in the actual eye, not the normal muscle twitch things that everyone gets in the upper or lower eyelids.

I think I have been able to track each bout of this happening back to the use of a particular product and I would love for someone to be able to help me out by analysing (or even finding, in some cases) the ingredient lists for these particular products and finding what the common element is so I can identify it and avoid this happening again in future. It makes driving and doing any sort of close-up work extremely difficult and stressful.

I initially thought it was just linked to natural ingredients as the first two bouts I tracked back to use of natural sleep aids (Bach Rescue Remedy spray) and essential oils (a doTerra blend called Salubelle in Aus, I think it may be called something else in the US). However, a third bout I linked back to some Oil of Olay Regenerist moisturers (not their normal line of moisturisers, those don't have any ill effect) and the most recent bout seems to be linked to make-up - either a foundation by Maybelline (this is my prime suspect as it's a new addition) or an eye make-up (Maybelline eye liner, Revlon eye shadow or L'Oreal false lash butterfly wing mascara). I'm less suspicious of the eye make-ups as I've been using those brands since before this whole thing started. I haven't worn any make-up for the past week and the shimmery vision is settling right back down again (so grateful!).

Any assistance anyone can provide would be so gratefully received – thanks!

Offline Arkcon

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Please read our Forum Rules.  We don't give information for self-medication/self-diagnosis, for liability reasons.

*Topic Locked*
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

Offline Borek

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    • Chembuddy
I am going to unlock the topic, please understand this is a border case and we can at any moment decide the line has been crossed.

I think I have been able to track each bout of this happening back to the use of a particular product and I would love for someone to be able to help me out by analysing (or even finding, in some cases) the ingredient lists for these particular products and finding what the common element

Beware, an "element" has a very specific meaning in chemistry and it is not what you are looking for. More like you are looking for a particular substance present in all products that trigger your problems.

Trick is - unless there is a list of ingredients given by the producer there is not much that can be done. Full analysis of a product that is mixture can be very expensive, and guessing won't work.
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