Hi! Im a highschool student looking to make caustic soda at home, as I have heard that all you need to do is electrolyse saltwater to make it and then boil the solution. I have tried this several times with the generic method of a 9v battery and using pencils shaved on both ends as "electrodes" but I couldnt make anything. Recently I have bought two 30cm graphite electrodes, a borosilicate glass beaker and 30 12volt batteries in hopes of doing the experiment properly.
TLDR: I want to make at least a visible amount of NaOH,, how can I do so without getting hurt?
Also, in faradays first law of electrolysis the weight in the formula would be the weight of chlorine and hydrogen gas being deposited on the electrodes,, is this also the weight of NaOH produced?? Thankyou.