Gibbs is defined as a double Legendre transformation from U:
U(S,V,N) --> G(T,p,N)
G == U + pV - TS (notice the minus sign)
dG = dU + pdV + Vdp - TdS - SdT
dG = (TdS - pdV + mudN) + pdV + Vdp - TdS - SdT
dG = - SdT + Vdp + mudN
the expansion work term (-pdV) has gone.
Enthalpy is defined as a single Legendre transformation from U:
U(S,V,N) --> H(S,p,N)
H == U + pV
dH = dU + pdV + Vdp
dH = (TdS - pdV + mudN) + pdV + Vdp
dH = TdS + mudN + Vdp
the expansion work term (-pdV) has gone too.
Notice that you can also first obtain H from U and then G from H
U(S,V,N) --> H(S,p,N) --> G(T,p,N)
In that case H == (U + pV)
G == H - TS
and the conclusions are the same than in 1) because
G == H - TS = U + pV - TS