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Topic: Interpretating Raman peaks of Lead compounds  (Read 1822 times)

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Offline lalapsycho

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Interpretating Raman peaks of Lead compounds
« on: December 05, 2012, 11:23:31 AM »
I have performed a Raman spectroscopy on the following lead compounds: lead acetate, lead carbonate and lead oxide. I'm having trouble identifying what each of the peaks are, I hope to be able to rule out all organic peaks so that I might be able to determine which of the peaks are the inorganic lead. I know since it is inorganic the peaks should be toward the lower end (200 cm^-1 wavenumbers). Does anyone know how to interpret these peaks? I am attaching a picture of my spectrum, the compounds are labeled and of different colors. I believe the large peak of the lead carbonate spectrum, between 700-1200 cm, is the carbonate ion...

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