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Topic: Ammonium persulfate injection to Combustion Engine QUESTION  (Read 2787 times)

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Ammonium persulfate injection to Combustion Engine QUESTION
« on: August 03, 2015, 11:19:31 PM »
Hello everyone, I am a Mechanic by trade but, my chemical in depth knowledge is pretty poor but I have few questions to address all Chemical Geeks!

Im pretty sure many people have seen one all all of movie series "Fast and the furious" where they using Nitrous Oxide (NOS in the movie). The "N2O" injection can be 2 types (WET SHOT and DRY SHOT) and 2 ways (Single injection or Multiple (Direct Port for each of cylinders)), the main point of injection is to provide engine with more OXYGEN (by adding OXIDIZER) with addition of more fuel, thus making more power ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrous_oxide )...
I can go on with MECHANICAL explanation of all the systems but im here to ask, so, I have access to chemical material name "Ammonium persulfate" which is also oxidizer, how would i possibly calculate how much oxigen it will dissipate in combustion chamber to compensate with additional fuel!
Im thinking to mix it with Gasoline or Methanol in separate container, use separate fuel pump and inject it through some kinda large injector hoping it is not going to clogged up with insoluble Ammonium persulfate
My system should look very much like "METH INJECTION"!

I have many more things to prepare and research so if my idea is not clear I will try to EDIT this post as soon as I find more information.

If i post this queston in the wrong part of the forum, please let me know designated are and I will gladly move my thread there!

Thank you

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Re: Ammonium persulfate injection to Combustion Engine QUESTION
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2015, 02:54:46 AM »
Just because something is an oxidizer doesn't mean it can be used here. N2O is a gas, ammonium persulfate is an ionic solid. It is like fueling your engine with a sand.

And without getting into details (these require writing reaction equations and calculating molar masses) I can tell you at first sight that you will get several times less oxygen per mass of the oxidizer. Ammonium persulfate molar mass is several times higher than the molar mass of N2O, but it doesn't yield several times more oxygen per mole.
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Offline Enthalpy

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Re: Ammonium persulfate injection to Combustion Engine QUESTION
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2015, 04:56:57 PM »
Ammonium persulphate is soluble at 80g/100mL in water, so after burning the ammonium it wouldn't bring much oxygen indeed... But what worries me even more is the amount of SO2 at the exhaust. This is a really nasty thing - to my opinion, worse than nitrous oxide.

By the way, be cautious with nitrous oxide too. Safety datasheets often claim it's stable, but the detonation killed a person developing Spaceship One.

How dangerous would an aqueous solution of ammonium nitrate be? Say, 1kg/L. At least the exhaust wouldn't be so nasty, and the oxidizer is a solid or a solution. But the solid is dangerous.

Few more liquid oxidizers exist for rockets. I doubt they're widely available nor safe enough. Trinitramides for instance.

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Re: Ammonium persulfate injection to Combustion Engine QUESTION
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2015, 01:18:51 AM »
Nitromethane in the fuel is one known method to increase the combustion heat from the same air amount. Apart from some risk of detonation, does it have big drawbacks?

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