I've been involved in the informal chemical education community (which is just a term I made up to describe internet chemistry bboards, websites, etc...) for several years now. Other communities were nice, but there didn't seem to be a good home for Chemists who like answering questions. I knew I could do it better, and with the help of tech savvy people like David we made this website.
The staff is chosen from people who are knowledgeable, write good answers to questions, activity, and also by personality. I've also been known to track talented posters from other internet Chemistry forums and bring them here. I don't know all of the Staff personally, but I've met a few of them in real life at some point..
As Borek said, all the administrators have the same privileges, and moderators have administrative privileges in the subforum they moderate for. The only difference between the other staff and I, is that I pay the bills, so you'll see my name at the bottom of the website.