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Is it true that Disiamylborane (Sia2BH) only reacts with terminal alkynes to produce aldehydes? it does not react with internal alkynes? and if I need to convert terminal alkynes to aldehydes, must i use the Sia2BH reagent? or would the normal B2H6 (hydroboration) work as well?


Consider sterics and why Sia2BH might be effective. Compare to borane BH3

I tried, I cant tell whats the consequence of that though, I tried to search online but it does not show me the difference in the result

Because its more steric than borane it should be more selective for the terminal alkene but my question is, would it also react with an internal alkyne? and would a borane (BH3, normal hydroboration) react with a terminal alkene? or do we need the sterically hindered groups (alkyl or sia) attached to Boron for the terminal alkynes?


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