I find flash chromatography a bit stressful, and I wish I had ten arms and 8 eyes each time I do it. How can you run TLC, watch so the column dont ran dry, elute fractions at the same time? And also change the eluent, as one proposed? Mye tutor say the eluent flow have to run in the speed of 2.5 cm/30 s. A bit fast, dont you think?
You certainly don't need to be running TLCs the same time you column is running.

What I sometimes do is, after I elute for awhile, I would stop the air flow so the column won't run dry, and run a TLC or two. When the TLC's are done, I would restart the air flow and continue eluting. I've run so many columns that I am able to manage takiing TLC's during eluting now, but it takes some practice

2.5 cm/30s sounds okay, not too fast. But it's not an absolute number that you can use for all situations. It really depends on your separation and/or your method of elution (e.g. single solvent system or the gradient method I suggested above)