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Topic: What are some good starting chemicals?  (Read 47331 times)

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Re: What are some good starting chemicals?
« Reply #45 on: January 04, 2007, 08:53:34 PM »
I might be a little late (been busy) but if you have not had much experience in Chemistry lab in school, I would highly recommend not starting your own lab first, but buying a kit.

It has nothing to do with thinking you are stupid, or immature; but many of the safety procedures in a chemistry lab seem to go against common sense, and most you will not know, at all, without experience or somebody telling you.

This kit, for instance:
Is quite nice for a home starter kit, for a high school student/mature student. It is not one of those cheap crappy ones you can get at Toys R’ Us, it has some damn useful chemicals in it. Unfortunately it does not list the experiments included (well, just what they cover, which is a wide range, but not what actual experiment you do to cover that information), but based on the equipment and chemicals, and knowing the level of education they expect, they would be some very fun and educational experiments. And the bonus is that it comes with all the safety instructions.

Some of the chemicals that you have been talking about are down right dangerous for someone at your level (in the concentrations you are getting). There is nothing wrong with enthusiasm, but you must go slow and learn first; this is not a comment against you, chemistry is a hard subject and can be very dangerous.

I just say this for your safety, because based off of the question you are asking and the chemicals you are trying to get, I fear bad things will happen (and not because I think you are stupid, but because the key to be safe is experience and proper instruction).

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Re: What are some good starting chemicals?
« Reply #46 on: January 04, 2007, 09:06:44 PM »
 :-X A bit late....well kinda... i havn't purchased any chemicals other than (sulfur and like two other ones form united nucear) but I did buy test tubes, a set with test tube rack and test tube utensils, plus some beakers, stoppers, flasks, alcohol burner, and..o ya a grad cylyneder...

But aside from that I will make sure to see any safety precautions that have to do with the chemicals and also post here before attempting any (even slightly) dangerous experiments

but thanks for the heads up

looks like a really nice set by the way (always been looking for one that isnt like the cheap toysrus but could never find it) too bad its $100 and ive already bought $50 worth of stuff

Thanks again and I'll make sure to be safe
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Re: What are some good starting chemicals?
« Reply #47 on: January 04, 2007, 09:27:24 PM »
Check the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)for chemicals before you order them.

Calcium is more reactive is it not?

Sorry, I didn't look at a periodic table, but Ca is more reactive than Mg now that I have. If you don't know about the reactivity of metals, I suggest you google/wikipedia metal reactivity.

Back to what Borek said though...
What happens when you add Ca to just water?

Another thing about doing chemistry labs, you make want to look into distilled water depending on what kind of water you have.
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Re: What are some good starting chemicals?
« Reply #48 on: January 04, 2007, 09:52:03 PM »
:-X A bit late....well kinda... i havn't purchased any chemicals other than (sulfur and like two other ones form united nucear) but I did buy test tubes, a set with test tube rack and test tube utensils, plus some beakers, stoppers, flasks, alcohol burner, and..o ya a grad cylyneder...

Too bad, as it is a very nice set. I actually just looked it up when making my post to you, and I have ordered one. I get asked all the time by friends various things, and this will allow me to demonstrate many things; and I do college Gen Chem 1 & 2 tutoring at home, so it will be very useful for illustration too (plus, I like Chemistry and it seems neat to have at home!).

That said, all the equipment you bought would work quite well with the set, and replace the cheaper plastic versions :).

Here is more info on it, if anybody is interested:
The experiments:
And here is an example experiment:

« Last Edit: January 04, 2007, 10:32:16 PM by enahs »

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Re: What are some good starting chemicals?
« Reply #49 on: January 05, 2007, 01:57:10 AM »
awsome thanks for the links, what college do you go to by the way?

EDIT: went out and bought some epsom salt today, is there any slightly interesting experiments you can do with it?
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Re: What are some good starting chemicals?
« Reply #50 on: January 05, 2007, 02:58:40 AM »
By the way again... I just took a test tube, turned a Dust Remover can upside down, sparyed so I got liquid air or some type of liquid gas that boils away fairly quickly and then poured some Hydrogen Peroxide 3% in and the H2O2 froze and it bubbles up, turned sold, then Poured/shook the solid ice out of the tube and it feels kinda like starch with water....and fizzes pretty cool, and strangly unlike most dust removers that stuffs not flamable, wonder what its made of....
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Re: What are some good starting chemicals?
« Reply #51 on: January 05, 2007, 07:33:24 PM »
By the way again... I just took a test tube, turned a Dust Remover can upside down, sparyed so I got liquid air or some type of liquid gas that boils away fairly quickly and then poured some Hydrogen Peroxide 3% in and the H2O2 froze and it bubbles up, turned sold, then Poured/shook the solid ice out of the tube and it feels kinda like starch with water....and fizzes pretty cool, and strangly unlike most dust removers that stuffs not flamable, wonder what its made of....

One thing totally amazing about the internet is that there are vast resources available to you today that I didn't have when I was young.  For example you could google (that wasn't a verb when I was young) for either Epsom Salt or Magnesium Sulfate experiments and you would be impressed with the # of hits you will get.  One example is:


Epsom Salts are a good starting material for relatively safe experiments.  I highly suggest that as you explore additional experiments always think through what you're going to do.  You'll find over time that you will understand your limitations.  I always try to understand what "could" happen to me if something went wrong.  As you age this becomes more of an issue!   ;D


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Re: What are some good starting chemicals?
« Reply #52 on: January 05, 2007, 09:55:09 PM »
Ya, I tried googling the salt but all the stuff i found is making salt crystals, nothing about actualy chemical reactions with it...
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Re: What are some good starting chemicals?
« Reply #53 on: January 05, 2007, 10:35:48 PM »
Check the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)for chemicals before you order them.

Calcium is more reactive is it not?

Sorry, I didn't look at a periodic table, but Ca is more reactive than Mg now that I have. If you don't know about the reactivity of metals, I suggest you google/wikipedia metal reactivity.

Back to what Borek said though...
What happens when you add Ca to just water?

Another thing about doing chemistry labs, you make want to look into distilled water depending on what kind of water you have.

First off, MSDS sheets are pretty good for letting you know potential dangers involving a chemical, but you should probably take that information with a grain of salt.  MSDS sheets don't do a very good job of explaining just how likely a dangerous reaction is to occur.  If there is even the slightest of possibilites of a nasty reaction happening, it will be indicated in the MSDS but there will be no mention of the chances of it happening.  This is a problem with the MSDS sheets.  They don't mention how likely a bad reaction is to occur.

In regards to calcium, Calcium metal in plain water reacts a tad bit slower than lithium does, but in a similar manner.  The thing is, the reaction generates a LOT of heat and as the temperature of the Ca and H2O rises, the reaction rate increases.  So asking if you put calcium metal into a solution of magnesium ions and get Mg metal out is like asking if you can put lithium metal into a solution of iron ions and get iron metal out.  It's just not going to happen.
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Re: What are some good starting chemicals?
« Reply #54 on: January 05, 2007, 10:51:57 PM »
Wait, so It woudn't be the same as haveing a solution of Copper Chloride and putting aluminium in it and you get Aluminium Chloride Solution and Copper metal?


are those decent jars to hold chemicals so I have them when I need them and so I don't have to open the main bulk of my chemicals every time I need some? They look nice, just want to see if any of you have any ideas on them.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2007, 11:03:43 PM by mafiaparty303 »
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Re: What are some good starting chemicals?
« Reply #55 on: January 06, 2007, 05:59:42 AM »
Wait, so It woudn't be the same as haveing a solution of Copper Chloride and putting aluminium in it and you get Aluminium Chloride Solution and Copper metal?

Nope. Some metals will react directly with water. You may safely assume it will be done by all alkali metals and all alkaline earth metals starting with calcium.
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Re: What are some good starting chemicals?
« Reply #56 on: January 06, 2007, 09:32:02 AM »
Those jars are a little bit large to my opinion for storage of your day to day usage of chemicals, but they look fine otherwise. Glass vials are even better. They are not porous for air and moisture:


Ideal for storing small amounts of chemicals, which you use on a day by day basis, and also nice for displaying things. When such a small thing is empty, then you can refill it from your stock.
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Re: What are some good starting chemicals?
« Reply #57 on: January 06, 2007, 02:34:06 PM »
Ok, ya I was looking at those just yesterday and I was thinking they were a bit to small but now that I think about it they are a good size for small scale.  :D

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