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Topic: Approval by moderator  (Read 5214 times)

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Approval by moderator
« on: March 06, 2020, 11:12:53 AM »
I am 60 years old and I gave in one post more help as some people think is allowed. I got warned from the polish guy called Borek here to get banned. This is really over reaction. Additionally every post from me has now to be approved. This is really censorship.  One was erased already without comment.
I asked to stop this control, we are not in China , Iran or North Korea.
Regarding don't tell fully solutions : in some cases its necessary to tell, because the coin drops if to see at once. Of course every homework should not be solved.

Offline Borek

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Re: Approval by moderator
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2020, 05:12:59 AM »
1. You were already warned several times before, and not only by me but also by other moderators - Dan and Arckon. Apparently you have not learned much from that.

2. Not only that - you were registered here before under user name Hunter2, and using this previous account you have collected enough warnings (no surprises here: for giving too much help) from the moderating team to get you banned. That should be enough to not let you reregister. We have cut you some slack and left your new account live. Apparently you have not learned much from the previous case.

3. Yes, sometimes the only way to help is to give full answer with necessary explanations. It should be never first post in the thread and there is never reason to give an exact numeric answer, we should at least make them key the numbers into calculator. Otherwise they will just copy the answer.

Topic locked, there is really not much to discuss here. Thousands of users have no problem with understanding the rules and where the line is.
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