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Solubility of Organic Molecule in Diethyl Ether


Is ibuprofen (C13H18O2) insoluble in diethyl ether (C4H10O)? In terms of polarity, is there not a large polarity difference between the two, so there is a greater insolubility?

Thank you for any help.

Try looking in the Merck Index for solubility profile of Ibuprofen....


I have access to the CRC Handbook; for ibuprofen's solubility, it says it is soluble in water in the liquid phase and is soluble in a locant with an aromatic ring. (Hopefully, my translation of the scientific abbrevations is not wrong.  :-\)

In the M. Index, it says that ibuprofen is soluble in most orangic solvents but is insoluble in H2O. I don't know how to to apply this general statement to ether.  ???

I would suggest with the substrate being an acid it may well not have a great solubility in ether but perhaps better in solvents such as DCM or EtOAc.

But without looking up more or testing myself one couldn't be sure.



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