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Topic: Fertilizer irrigation system  (Read 2166 times)

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Offline David Carey

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Fertilizer irrigation system
« on: April 07, 2020, 02:48:52 AM »
So at home I am developing a fertilizer irrigation system. So when the water is on, it siphons off concentrated fertilizer and mixes with the water. Which enables me to feed and water my tomato plants unattended.  So essentially I need to make the solution for the irrigation system. The system works at a 16 to 1 ratio. 16 parts water. 1 part fertilizer.  So on the directions of the tomato fertilizer it says to use 2.5 grams for every gallon of water. That is the regular strength u put on the plants. So for the irrigation system I have a 5 gallon bucket in which I am going to put the concentrated solution. Which needs to be at 16 to 1 ratio. So do I put 2.5 grams of fertilizer x 16 (the ratio) x 5 gallons? Or 200 grams of fertilizer. Is that correct. Or can someone give me the proper equation to figure this out. By the way I will have a back flow preventer on the system. I know that will come up

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Re: Fertilizer irrigation system
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2020, 03:11:43 AM »
So do I put 2.5 grams of fertilizer x 16 (the ratio) x 5 gallons? Or 200 grams of fertilizer.

Looks OK to me.

Question is: is the concentrated solution stable? Hard to tell not knowing the exact composition of the solid. Most likely it is just a simple, inorganic NPK fertilizer, so there should be no problems, but it is definitely something to keep in mind.
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Offline David Carey

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Re: Fertilizer irrigation system
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2020, 05:47:35 PM »
So do I put 2.5 grams of fertilizer x 16 (the ratio) x 5 gallons? Or 200 grams of fertilizer.

Looks OK to me.

Question is: is the concentrated solution stable? Hard to tell not knowing the exact composition of the solid. Most likely it is just a simple, inorganic NPK fertilizer, so there should be no problems, but it is definitely something to keep in mind.

Well I am assuming it will be stable because it says water soluble. And I realize that the more solid I dissolve in the water the more increased chance that it could precipitate out of solution. But the only thing I can do is try and see. It should be stable. My only concern was that if I was creating a 16 to 1 solution. That I would have to make it 16 times stronger. So when it is diluted, it dilutes back to regular strength. I was making sure my logic was correct. But if u think so I can try it. Worse case I kill my plants. But should be fine. I appreciate your response

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