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Topic: Can someone please find the final product of these reactions:  (Read 2411 times)

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Offline Njones1992

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 :o Please include each product of each reaction, and if you made a name for the final chemical, that would help.
C17H19NO3 + C2H5OH = x; x + O2 {strain out remaining polar solvent, after applying heat- the -/O2/-, keep solved product(y)}= y; y +HCl = z; z +NaOH = a; a {strain out acid/base mix, keep precipitate(a)} + C4H10 = b; b {strain out nonpolar solvent, keep solved product(b)} + [C3H6O + C6H14N2O2] = c; c + O2 {strain out remaining solvent after applying heat- the -/O2/-, keep solved product(l)}= l; l + [(NH4)2SO4] = m; m + KOH = n; n {strain out remaining acid/base mix, keep precipitate(n)}+ C6H6 = r; r {strain out nonpolar solvent, keep solved product(r)}+ C30H45N9O5 = s; s + O2 = t{strain out remaining nonpolar solvent, keep solved product(t)}; t + H2O = X, strain out H2O final product = Final Product.

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Re: Can someone please find the final product of these reactions:
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2020, 04:02:05 AM »
1. You have to show your attempts at solving the problem, this is a forum policy.

2. There is no way to even attempt solving the problem without knowing what C17H19NO3 and several subsequent compounds are. Molecular formula is not enough.

Unless +O2 means just "burn it", that would simplify the situation a bit.
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