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Topic: Analytical options for Total Sulfur in aggregates - GC?  (Read 1467 times)

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Offline JamieB7798

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Analytical options for Total Sulfur in aggregates - GC?
« on: October 03, 2021, 05:03:45 PM »
Hello, I test building materials (aggregates) for total sulfur content and currently use a wet chemical method.

My spec has an alternative method of high temperature combustion (2000 C for 30 sec) to measure sulfur dioxide. I'm not that in touch with analytical equipment, but from what I can see this would mean an induction oven with infrared detectors fitted ( a CS analyser for example)? Is any form of gas chromatography suitable for a 1g of fine dust sample?

Or is it possible to extract the total sulfur into solution to allow the use of GC? Currently I add 1g to 20 mL of water, 10 mL of hydrogen peroxide and heat for 30 mins to oxidise, then add 20 mL of 18 % HCl and heat for a further 30 mins to allow the sample to digest. Once filtered, would it be possible to run this through a GC?

If there are any methods I'm overlooking please feel free to let me know.


Offline Corribus

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Re: Analytical options for Total Sulfur in aggregates - GC?
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2021, 05:09:35 PM »
We've done sulfur analysis by ICP-MS.
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