Hello everyone, I seem to be having a bit of a problem here distilling water. I have a stainless boiler and condenser and I am attempting to distill some tap water. The problem is that when I distill the water the condensed vapor has a very strange sweet smell to it, almost like hay or maybe sweet grass. Clearly something is getting into the water as the tap water smells nothing like this. I have tried to narrow down the source of this smell and I can only assume it is coming from the condensing coil. I distilled a little water using a different method and it has no smell to it. The steam coming out of my boiling chamber seems to be normal, no smell at all. My distiller setup goes like this: Stainless steel grade 304 boiling chamber > small silicone gasket around the dome (also 304 stainless) > 304 stainless condensing coil > glass holding vessel. I have eliminated the glass container as a possible source as well. So my question is what on earth could possibly be going on inside that coil to produce water that has a stronger aroma than the tap water it was distilled from?
A side note the condensing coil is crafted from rolled steel tube so perhaps there is a small amount of welding residue left inside it? This distiller is not new however and has had a decent amount of use. I also let a little vinegar sit in the coil for a few minutes and scrubbed it with a q-tip, nothing really came out...