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Topic: Question from a lay(wo)man on requirement by law of MDSD  (Read 2589 times)

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Question from a lay(wo)man on requirement by law of MDSD
« on: December 29, 2021, 11:49:07 AM »
Dear all,

I am not a chemist but a consumer who has bought a DHEA supplement and is a little worried about the quality of it. I contacted the company producing it, asking them for a Certificate of Analysis and the MSDS. The customer service employee (always the same person) first asked me where I'm from. After he got my reply, he wrote: "Unfortunately, we are not able to provide a Certificate of Analysis for this product."

My question: who knows if it is required by law for companies to possess a MSDS for DHEA supplements? Similarly, for a Certificate of Analysis? I did Google this but since I'm not from the USA nor native English, it is hard for me to get to a good and understandable source of information.

 ??? For people wondering  why I'd order a supplement from the USA:  ???

In my country, it is not allowed to buy DHEA online, however, I still had a bottle of a brand that seems reliable to me (Life Extenstion). I am using it to help get pregnant, since DHEA boosts your hormones and is considered safe for OTC sales in the USA. I am 40+ years old and didn't have any succes the last 3 years (only 3 early miscarriages to my great sadness). Now, after using the DHEA for 2 months, I am pregnant. You can probably understand that I do not suddenly want to discontinue use of this supplement but rather slowly wean it off. Unfortunately, I can't order the exact same supplement anymore :-(
The only place I could still get it from, was this company that doesn't seem very helpful in their customer service. When I asked him before about the quality of their product, he replied:

"Our DHEA is produced in a laboratory from a vegetal saponin called Diosgenin. We use Wild Yam roots, which is the most concentrated known source of phytoestrogen diosgenin. Our DHEA is 99.5% purity and pharmaceutical grade Type 1."

Are there any other questions I could ask, or do I have any right to ask for a certificate of some kind?

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