Specialty Chemistry Forums > Other Sciences Question Forum

Produce More Food?

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If you are willing to stop at 8% sugar, that's the top limit of the reverse osmosis.  Then no wood is needed to boil off extra water.  The solution would need preseved.  So you would need to add a preservative or do something else with it.  Like make wine.  Is 8% sweet enough?  Don't know.

Ok Marc, there is a link in the previous post to farmers saving a lot of money making maple syrup using reverse osmosisi.  I do t know if this is used i  your country, but it could save time, money, an d produce extra food., If used for concentrated sap only.  You have the chemical education to do this.  The amount of money needed for a trial is less than $1000 US.  And you have until Feb of 2024 to figure things out.  So what's holding you up?


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