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Topic: Why aren't there movies on great chemists?  (Read 3919 times)

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Why aren't there movies on great chemists?
« on: April 03, 2022, 06:07:07 PM »
Why is pop culture mostly focused on physics and why are most movies made on scientists focused on Physicists or Mathematicians? I haven't seen any chemistry related things other then just throwing in a chemistry lab with a bunch of random chemicals that they mix and cause an explosion. As an aspiring theoretical chemists why aren't topics from theoretical chemistry used in these movies and do you think they might be used in the future?

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Re: Why aren't there movies on great chemists?
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2022, 11:13:15 AM »
Good question.
I know movies about Marie Curie and Alfred Nobel.

Offline pcm81

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Re: Why aren't there movies on great chemists?
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2023, 10:30:44 PM »
Why is pop culture mostly focused on physics and why are most movies made on scientists focused on Physicists or Mathematicians? I haven't seen any chemistry related things other then just throwing in a chemistry lab with a bunch of random chemicals that they mix and cause an explosion. As an aspiring theoretical chemists why aren't topics from theoretical chemistry used in these movies and do you think they might be used in the future?
You are asking 2 questions in one:
1. Why are there no movies about chemists? There are... Breaking bad, 51st state etc. In the eyes of the viewer, chemistry is not a real science... Physics is a "real" science.... Chemistry is half way towards biology... That is why there are fewer movies about chemists than physicists. How many movies have you seen about biologists?

2. Why is there no science in the movies about science? Just like any science, you can't make exciting movie about just raw chemistry or people wont relate. If raw science was fun enough to make movies about, everyone would be a scientist. This is why it is easier to implement serious scientific concept into a movie from say... robotics, or programming. Those fields of science are closer to application, hence people can relate easier, than to say tensor equations describing a collapsing black-hole or the partial interga-differential equation of a 3rd order in 7 independent variables describing the neutron transport in a reactor. People just want to see it melt down or a fun story about preventing the meltdown.

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