Dear friends and colleagues,
My team and I have been conducting research on the potential to perform a reaction involving SiO
2 and Hydrogen Fluoride to create H
2O and SIF
4. Specifically we are interested in the H
2O so we could then extract the oxygen via electrolysis and then react the hydrogen with SiF
4 to get our Hydrogen Fluoride back along with silicon. Now that the Hydrogen Fluoride is present at the end of the reaction, we can redo the reaction all over again with a new batch of SIO
2. The reactions are written out below.
4HF + SiO
2O + SiF

2H2 + O2
4 + 2H
4HF + Si
However this reaction seems to have the issue where SiF
4 quickly hydrolyzes before the Electrolysis can begin, to form H
6. Thus the desired chain of reactions can not commence. Are you aware of any ways to mitigate this problem or are able to point me towards relevant literature on this matter? If I am misunderstanding the reaction dynamics please correct me. All feedback/help would be greatly appreciated.
Georgiy Aleksanyan
Original Post Can Be Found Here: