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Topic: Hydrofluoric Acid Florite  (Read 2073 times)

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Offline Ben2023

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Hydrofluoric Acid Florite
« on: January 16, 2023, 04:49:43 PM »

Several months ago I was experimenting with high voltages in the range of 50-100kv CaF (florite) stones and water. I was generating a high voltage, to where I was able to pass a high current through the stone, until it was illuminated. As the current was passing through the stone there was water being injected into a chamber with the florite stone. This was during the summer at the same time my allergies we real bad and my chest was on/off intermittent stinging, but I have allergies and I smoke so I shrugged it off as from the combination of both of those things. Reading more into the properties of CaF I found out and discovered Hydrofluoric Acid and the extreme dangers associated with it. So paranoid about all of the horror stories I ceased the experiment using the CaF stones in experiments. My question is that was I just being paranoid, or is there a genuine probably that with the combination of the stone, water, electricity and heat that Hydrofluoric Acid in either a vapor,liquid or residue could have been created by thermionic emission or another process? I was under the assumption after reading articles about ithat you needed the sulfuric acid component to make it. I'm definitely not trying to make it, that's why I stopped the experiment just concerned there was a possibility of it being created.

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Re: Hydrofluoric Acid Florite
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2023, 05:03:41 AM »
Nothing is impossible.  Was it DC or AC.? In AC nothing happens, in DC some polarisation. I guess you would get some CaF2 fumes. But does it harm your chest?  CaF2 is not much watersouloble. Only 16 mg/l at 20°C. To get a interaction with it is very low.

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