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Topic: Concrete Densifier PT2  (Read 5179 times)

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Offline cluelesswonderer

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Concrete Densifier PT2
« on: March 15, 2023, 10:53:44 PM »
Reminder: absolutely no chemistry training other than high school science!

I recently posted about getting my basement concrete floor polished professionally. The contractor added a densifier. He decided on another brand than originally chosen based on less fillers so to speak.

The densifier contains basically 3 ingredients: lithium silicate, water, and alcohol ethoxylate.

After a little bit of research, I found that the alcohol ethoxylate can be commonly contaminated with 1-4 dioxane and ethylene oxide during manufacturing.

Both of these are toxins and carcinogens.

My question is, how can I know if this particular product contains these contaminants? Is that even possible?

And my second question is, even if it does contain both or traces of both, does this create any safety concern once the densifier has been applied and cured properly? Can these two byproducts penetrate skin or enter the air after the densifier is hardened into the concrete? I don’t understand the chemistry here so I’m trying to identify any risk in these materials in a residential setting. I have a kid and don’t want any strange or dangerous chemicals as a result of this process. Basically, is there anything I should be worried about here from a health and safety standpoint going forward?

This is the product: SDS and other sheets and info available at the link.


Thank you in advance!

Offline Borek

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Re: Concrete Densifier PT2
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2023, 05:09:22 PM »
Basically, is there anything I should be worried about here from a health and safety standpoint going forward?


If you dig long enough you will always find some information about compounds that can be potentially present and are potentially harmful. Do they pose a risk? Statistically much smaller than the risk than you will be run over by a car tomorrow. Yet I assume you don't plan to stay at home forever just people are driving around ;)
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Offline Enthalpy

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Re: Concrete Densifier PT2
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2023, 02:08:23 PM »
... 1-4 dioxane and ethylene oxide...
They have already evaporated.

Offline cluelesswonderer

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Re: Concrete Densifier PT2
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2023, 09:17:04 PM »
Thank you for your responses. I actually thought to myself that something like dioxane and ethylene oxide might evaporate. I'm assuming anything residual wouldn't be a concern unless I was actively licking the floor :P lol

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