February 12, 2025, 01:27:58 PM
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Topic: help...help...fertiliser toxicity, nitrate, phosphate, sulfuric acid  (Read 1994 times)

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Offline pianopainter

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Hello all wise chemistry people,

Thank you very much for taking the time to look at my post.

I know nothing about chemistry, and thought id come here to ask some questions.

A fertiliser plant lives right over the road from me. I have been sick for 2 years ever since moving here.

They process: superphosphate and gran​​-am

superphosphate is composed of: rock phosphate and sulfuric acid

gran​​​​-am is composed of: granulated ammonium sulfate

I have watched them process the fertiliser from my house and the powder disperses everywhere. all throughout the air and over to our house and another house that is around the corner right opposite it.

my questions are:

If this was happening to you, and you wanted to test for fertiliser contamination, what tests would you use to find out?
ammonia tests? phosphate tests? etc?

All our hinges and anything metal in our house rusts extremely quick, could this be why?

I have been sick and believe this could be a reason, do you think so?

What would you do in general?

Thank you very much... quite distressing and worried.. I am a 21 year old girl and I have had so many health issues and I really just dont understand what to do.

Offline Hunter2

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Take pictures of what you described. It cannot be they disperse the powder over your property. Then get a lawyer. He will decide, if analysis are necessary. According your illnesse need also special help from a doctor, to find out if there is a relationship between the fertilizer and the illness.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2023, 03:02:27 AM by Hunter2 »

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Almost every dust is an irritant, doesn't matter what is its composition. So yes, it is very likely you are reacting to it and that's why you are sick.
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Offline pianopainter

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Take pictures of what you described. It cannot be they disperse the powder over your property. Then get a lawyer. He will decide, if analysis are necessary. According your illnesse need also special help from a doctor, to find out if there is a relationship between the fertilizer and the illness.

thank you very much... my dad and I kicked ourselves... of course! a laywer! Its embarrassing that a chemistry forum is what made me realise it was a lawyer I should get  ;D

Offline pianopainter

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Almost every dust is an irritant, doesn't matter what is its composition. So yes, it is very likely you are reacting to it and that's why you are sick.

agree... thank you for your help :)

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