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Topic: Opinions/Advice on abstract and help finding a melting point.  (Read 1906 times)

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Offline JLovdokken

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Opinions/Advice on abstract and help finding a melting point.
« on: November 04, 2023, 09:40:36 PM »
I was wondering which abstract is better, and suggestions to improve. Also I have searched for hours to find a literature value for the melting point of my amide derivative (2,6-Dimethoxybenzamide) as we are not allowed to cite the ones provided to us in class/lab in our report but I cant find one anywhere. Also the only article cited for the melting point of my amide on scifinder makes no mention of my compound or even melting points in general so idk what thats about.

Abstract 1:
The aromatic carboxylic acid in Sample #933 was isolated, characterized, and identified. 49.7 mmol of crude acid was recovered from the sample via acid-base extraction. The acid was isolated via recrystallization in toluene. The melting point of the isolated acid was determined to be 186–187ºC. The equivalent weight of the isolated acid was determined to be 200.2 ± 0.3 g/mol via indicator titration using phenolphthalein. The pK¬a of the acid was determined to be 4.1 via potentiometric titration. The acid’s amide derivative was determined to have a melting point of 155–156ºC. Based on the characteristics of the isolated acid, it was identified as 2,6-Dimenthoxybenzoic acid.

Abstract 2:
The aromatic carboxylic acid in Sample #933 was isolated, characterized and identified. 49.7 mmol of crude acid was recovered from the sample. The melting point of the isolated acid was determined to be 186–187ºC. The equivalent weight of the isolated acid was determined to be 200.2 ± 0.3 g/mol. The pK­a of the acid was determined to be 4.1. The acid’s amide derivative was determined to have a melting point of 155–156ºC. The isolated acid was identified as 2,6-Dimenthoxybenzoic acid.

Thanks, James
« Last Edit: November 04, 2023, 10:20:49 PM by JLovdokken »

Offline JLovdokken

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Trouble finding a Melting Point and opinions/advice on Abstract
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2023, 12:41:16 AM »
We were provided literature values for the melting point of our acid and its amide derivative in class however, we are not allowed to cite these on our lab report. I have searched for a couple hours and been unable to find a literature value for the melting point of amide derivative (2,6-Dimethoxybenzamide). There is not a value available on Pub Chem and the value that comes up on scifinder (209-211 C) was over 50 degrees off of what was provided to us in the lab (155 C) and only had one source to back this value. When I opened the article scifinder cited it turns out that not only is my compound never mentioned, melting points in general are not mentioned once in the article. Any suggestions?

As for my abstract, here is what I have so far. Any suggestions or advise?

The aromatic carboxylic acid in Sample #933 was isolated, characterized, and identified. 49.7 mmol of crude acid was recovered from the sample via acid-base extraction. The acid was isolated via recrystallization in toluene. The melting point of the isolated acid was determined to be 186–187ºC. The equivalent weight of the isolated acid was determined to be 200.2 ± 0.3 g/mol via indicator titration using phenolphthalein. The pK¬a of the acid was determined to be 4.1 via potentiometric titration. The acid’s amide derivative was determined to have a melting point of 155–156ºC. Based on the characteristics of the isolated acid, it was identified as 2,6-Dimenthoxybenzoic acid.

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Re: Opinions/Advice on abstract and help finding a melting point.
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2023, 03:42:55 AM »
Please don't cross post. Topics merged.
ChemBuddy chemical calculators - stoichiometry, pH, concentration, buffer preparation, titrations.info

Offline Aldebaran

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Re: Opinions/Advice on abstract and help finding a melting point.
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2023, 04:48:57 AM »
I found this reference fairly quickly: https://www.smolecule.com/products/s3319688
Not checked it out further

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Re: Opinions/Advice on abstract and help finding a melting point.
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2023, 06:45:59 AM »

Offline Aldebaran

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Re: Opinions/Advice on abstract and help finding a melting point.
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2023, 10:17:37 AM »
Yes I suspect the acid name is a typo. The OP was looking for a melting point for the named amide and (surprisingly) this was the only reference I could find in a quick search.


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Re: Opinions/Advice on abstract and help finding a melting point.
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2023, 03:13:32 PM »
2,6-dimethoxy-benzoic acid is C9H10O4.

Do a  formula search at Chemical Abstracts (any large univ. chem dept.) starting at the early cumulative indexes, and narrow the results to the correct compound.

Let us know if this works, and Good Luck!


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