September 17, 2024, 07:11:23 AM
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Topic: effect of increasing volume equilibirum, but reactant concentration stays same  (Read 2647 times)

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imagine you had 2 containers.
1 container had a 2L mixture of SO2, SO3 and O2, at equilibrium.
the second container is 1L and contains O2 only.

the concentration of O2 for both these containers is 1M. The concentration of other components are not specified

The 2 containers are connected by a valve as shown in the image attached

When the tap is opened, and the substances from both compartments are allowed to mix, which way will the equilibirum shift, for the reaction 2SO2+O2 ::equil:: 2SO3

i said the equilibrium would shift to the left after a overall decrease in the system's pressure, so the backward reaction would be favoured to produce more molecules and partially restore pressure.

however, from another perspective, if O2 concentration remains constant but SO2 and SO3 decrease, then this will affect the concentration fraction. This will make Q<Kc because your O2 concentration remains the same, making the denominator larger, hence reducing Kc. So this would lead to a net forward reaction? ???

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