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Topic: Foam Fractioning for Proteins  (Read 6421 times)

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Offline shepperd

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Foam Fractioning for Proteins
« on: June 06, 2024, 08:29:59 AM »

I want to use different Proteins to remove pollutants from water. The Proteins are supposed to be removed afterwards trough foam fractioning, meaning that I want to introduce synthetic air/air into the apparatus which will foam up the proteins.

I'm having a little trouble to imagine a good laboratory setup, since my lab experience isn't that big.
I am thinking about using a normal cylinder and just putting it inside a large container to catch the foam. I was also thinking of working with a woulf bottle or a gas washing bottle but the openings are too small for the sensitive foam. The overflowing is more realistic anyways I think...

Do you have any input on what kind of reaction vessel I could use instead of a cylinder? It seems rather difficult to introduce air into the cylinder. It should take around one Liter of Volume.
I'd be grateful for any input or ideas on a good setup!

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