January 13, 2025, 07:45:02 AM
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Topic: Help with Discrepancy about right concentration calculation in lab (HPLC)??  (Read 2241 times)

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Offline Fun8420!

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Hello, we have a lab discussion about how to properly calculate a specific concentration, basically getting two different results. If i filter 5000 ml of a solution ("solution S") containing one specific compound ("compound A") onto one filter. Then I extract compound A from this one filter and re-dissolve the dry extract into 0.1 ml solvent. The final HPLC analysis including a prepared standard row now tells me I have 12.9 nM compound A in my 0.1 ml extract. How much is the concentration of "compound A" in the 5000 ml original solution S and how much compound A would i find in general per liter of solution S? The results we get would either be 0.000258 nM or 2.58 nM. Can anybody help with the correct results and calculation?

Offline DrCMS

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If compound A is dissolved to make solution S then you should not removed anything when filtering that solution.

If you do not have a solution but rather a suspension of A; then yes A can be filtered out. 
However if A has some solubility in S then only some of compound A will be filtered out.

With only the information you have given here there is no way anyone can answer your question.

Offline Hunter2

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Beside the specific problems with HPLC, the calculation is a simple dilution

The correct answer is 0.000258 nM.
First nM is Nanomole per liter

You got an result of 12.9 nM means 12.9 * 10^(-9) mol/l = 12.9 * 10^(-9) mmol/ml.
The volume of the sample is 0.1 ml
So your extract is then 12.9 * 10^(-9) mmol/ml* 0.1 ml = 12.9 *10^(-10) mmol.
This extract was obtained from 5000 ml means the concentration was 12.9 *10^(-10) mmol / 5000 ml = 2,58 *10^(-13) mmol/ml = 2,58 *10^(-13) mol/l
Convert in nM means divided by 10(-9) gives you 0.000258 nM

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