October 09, 2024, 08:06:53 AM
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Topic: Looking for alternative for Acrylic Copolymer for solids suspension in soap  (Read 1380 times)

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Offline BryceH96

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Hi Everyone,

Looking for some help… we are currently using an Acrylic Copolymer in our hand soap solution to help suspend and hold solids and scrubbing particles (pumice) inside the solution.

It’s been the only thing that holds together, not separate, and keep everything in suspension.

It is unfortunately expensive and we are seeking an alternative to try… I’ve tried thickening the solution with just about everything (peg, salt, xanthan, guar, etc…), but it doesn’t seem to have the suspending power and the particles will settle over time.

Any other ideas of things we might be able to try that are more cost effective? Or let me know if you need any more information. Cheers!


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