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Topic: Inorganic salt crystallization from evaporation  (Read 870 times)

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Inorganic salt crystallization from evaporation
« on: August 22, 2024, 05:08:04 PM »
Hello everyone,
I have a question regarding NaCl crystallization from brine evaporation.
I have two brine solutions:
1. NaCl: 225 g/l, KCl: 35g/l, MgCl2: 45g/l, CaCl2: 4g/l, CaSO4: 4.5g/l;
2. NaCl: 228 g/l, KCl: 35g/l, MgCl2: 45g/l; CaSO4: 5.6g/l.
This is a continuous process to produce NaCl crystals.
My questions are that:
1. With the two brine solutions, which NaCl crystals evaporated from the solution have better purity? And why?
2. What is the impact of CaCl2 on CaSO4 crystals during brine evaporation? Since there is common ion effect, it will impact CaSO4 solubility, but any impact happens during evaporation?

Thanks ahead,

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