Chemistry Forums for Students > Undergraduate General Chemistry Forum

Green Chemistry - Atom Economy Calculations (Vitamin-C)


Hi Everyone,

I have been looking at the Atom Economy for the synthesis of Ascorbic Acid from D-glucose. I have so far tried to complete the calculations for the atom economy of a two-step fermentation process (New Two-Step) using a paper by Sonoyama (1982). I have calculated a very poor atom economy but can't see where I went wrong. I have attached the paper for reference as well as a paper informing the process and concentration of material.

Kind Regards,

Update: I sadly can't add the paper but it's available at the link below or by looking up

"Production of 2-Keto-l-Gulonic Acid from d-Glucose by Two-Stage Fermentation",was%20stable%20in%20the%20broth.

Why do you assume your result is wrong?

Main source of the poor result is inclusion of water in total.

Thanks for the reply Borek. The paper doesn't highlight how much water is in the process but knowing the concentration of all the other components in the ferment medium, the water would make up the rest of the volume.

I asked the lecturer as it didn't seem correct and he said to look at it more but I can't see a mistake in my working out.


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