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Topic: Legal Status of center and project. Awards and international recognition  (Read 9892 times)

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Offline Juan R.

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    • The Center for CANONICAL |SCIENCE)
I would explain why this is still stopped.

I am still founding the center for developing adequately the canonical science project. There is lot of stupid impediments: ISSN, Spain’s IVA to extra-communitarian people, legal and juridical impediments, Colegio, Mutua and SS, domain registers, legal responsibility, copyright, etc.

In USA, this center would be founded in few days and would possibly receive additional support (e.g. supercomputer capabilities, etc.) from government and established universities, but Spain’s bureaucracy is very restrictive and expensive (I filled two folders with forms, information, mail replies, etc.) In fact, I am being assisted by three friends, a lawyer and a woman-lawyer, a jobs assistant, a specialist in scientific-technical private projects from OFIE, and an Internet consultant. Moreover, I did technical and legal consults in other organisms: Ayuntamiento, Mancomunidade, IGAPE, Xunta, Registro Mercantil, Colegio de químicos, Hacienda, and Universidad.

There are problems with the copyright of English-written articles in Spain, and problems wit adequate international support of that copyright, etc.

Finally, I will write a pdf article with all the impediments and how I am breaking all of them!!!

Now about rates.

For example in USA if a price is $100, then is that finally. In Spain if an initial price is 100 euros (aprox. $83), then the final price is 116 euros (aprox. $97) including an additional tax of 16% of IVA from my money. IVA is obligatory here. There are legal problems with the application of Spain laws (including IVA) to USA transactions (in fact, there is a lively discussion between American government and European community).

Here, SS taxes are a minimum of 250 euros per month (from my own money and the tax is obligatory by developing activities in Spain). In principle, there are also problems with ISSN number for our publications (I am still in conversations with national heads).

One of the Spanish Banks has said that in principle they do not support TPV system for new projects and centers (if the rest of Spanish banks say the same then I will begin again the conversations but with an USA bank).

An Internet SSL secure hosting service verifying Spanish laws is about 250-300 euros/year in Spain. A similar service in USA or Canada is about $50 (aprox. 60 euros) per year. A Spanish company solicited to me 3000 euros for developing the web site more 60 euros/month by hosting!! That is, more than $690 (IVA included) per year!!!

Some books say that current Spanish laws are violating some international internet recommendations as the principle of neutrality. Moreover, if the center receives a SLNE legal support here, then I would pay an additional inversion of 400-600 euros for it (again from my money).

Etc, etc.

Of course, I will star the center (this is the only sure) and develop adequately the canonical project and related journal. Each day is a battle but I am firmly decided to win all of them!

Fortunately, this work begins to be recognized at an international scale. Some scientist and friends have suggested to me publish in some “official” journals. My reply is in the FAQ (

The page has attracted to many scientists and now I am talking different scientific aspects with different people.

The November 5, this educational project has received a preliminary nomination to the “The Bizz Awards 2005” to be awarded in Houston (Texas) on April 30, 2005.

The first canonical scientist.

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