Specialty Chemistry Forums > Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry Forum

online references for nuclear chem?


Greetings everyone!

I would like to ask for any online links for Nuclear Chemistry?  I have been boggled by a certain Nuclear Chemistry problem.  For example, you're given a certain nuclear activity of 2000 cpm for a mass of 50 mg, and 500 cpm for a mass of 60 mg.  Then you are asked for the mass of the original sample?  I saw from the Mortimer book the formula: No/N = (activity)0/(activity), but I can't figure out a formula of finding for the mass of the original sample.  I'm trying to solve it without using a calculator...

Hope you can clear this up guys.  Thanks.


Donaldson Tan:
I'm not too sure. How about working from basic principles?

-dN/dt = kN where N is number of radioactive nuclei, k: constant

You could go to Google and search for it...

Here's one anyway!


Its just starting, but http://groups-beta.google.com/group/Nuclear-Chemistry/


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