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Topic: Determining Concentration  (Read 8046 times)

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Determining Concentration
« on: December 11, 2004, 09:47:34 PM »
using spec techniques, determine the concentrastion of NF in solution.
I feel that U.V. Spec is the answer using Beer's Law. where A=CEL.
Some people want to argue this answer saying that IR will tell you the Concentration. I disagree b/c IR tells fuinctional groups not concentration.
Is this correct?


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Re:Determining Concentration
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2004, 09:01:12 AM »
yeah, Beer-Lambert's law is suitable for concentration determination but IR's mainly use is determining the functional group....A spectrophotometer could be used for determining concentration if a calibration curve is available.

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