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Topic: Electric Water Bender  (Read 13323 times)

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Offline LesClaypool

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Electric Water Bender
« on: July 07, 2007, 04:49:45 PM »

I am looking for all the information relative to this. Electromagnetic energy of streaming water

any link, advice, book, comment, will be appreciated

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Re: Electric Water Bender
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2007, 06:40:59 PM »
Here's something you can do easily at home.  In the bathroom, make a thin stream of water by turning on the faucet slightly.  Take a plastic comb and brush dry hair to charge the comb.  Bring the comb close to the stream of water but do not touch the stream of water.  You should see the stream of water bend toward the comb.  See the link above for an explanation of the phenomenon.

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Re: Electric Water Bender
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2007, 09:08:03 PM »
Thanks but I already know about this experiment :

I'm looking for in-dept information. All the information and law surrouding this. This is quite important for me, any help will be appreciated. Thank you

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Re: Electric Water Bender
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2007, 12:59:33 PM »
I'm not sure I know any equations governing the phenomena, but if you search for information about charge-dipole interactions you may find some useful information.

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Re: Electric Water Bender
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2007, 01:19:12 PM »
Equations telling you how much the stream of water will bend are very, very complicated...there's so many variables.

You could do it with Yggdrasil's suggestion of charge-dipole interactions, and some high-school physics (forces and stuff)....maybe a little bit of calculus because the molecules of water are moving (not always the same distance from the static electricity).

If you're really really interested, we can work through the theory behind it :)

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Re: Electric Water Bender
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2007, 01:57:51 AM »
This is quite a "weird" project to be honest. I am participating in a methaphysical community, and working on the psychic self-defense domain. We study and work with "partial possession" cases, quite a big subject, way too big to enter into details.

Robert Bruce, is working in this field for many many years now, and have discovered many different self-defense techniques. The most powerful technique to date he found is ...running water! What we call a neg², have electromagnetic properties. We don't know if they are made of electromagnetic, or if they produce some. Parapsychologist is using electromagnetic sensor in hauted house for years now. Anyway, we were not knowing why neg is not able to cross running water until we found this link :

Running water generate some kind of energy that interact with electromagnetism! We now want to go another step further. Discover what exactly is happening in this interaction, what is the energy generated by moving water, and why and how it interact with electromagnetism. That is exactly for discovering this we need some help. Complete understanding of this phenomenon will lead us to many new possibility. You probably find this weird, but it is unfortunately a reality that some people have to deal with. Here 2 links if you want further detail about our to date comprehension of the technique :


² : Negative inorganic being or bad spirit of any variety

Thank you! :P

edit : we know that the quantity and the speed of running water affect the efficiency

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Re: Electric Water Bender
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2007, 11:46:48 AM »
I want everyone who reads and replies to this thread to put away your preconceptions about parapsychology and the metaphysical, and look at this with an open mind :)

First, I want this addressed: Your theories rely on the fact that running water and still water have different physical properties.  This is true in a sense, but not for the reasons that your pages talk about.

Quote from: The Link You Gave Us
If you bring the comb near the surface of a glass of still water, nothing happens. But moving water is a different story as you saw. The stream of water contains water molecules which possess an electric charge. Static electric fields can force moving charged particles to change direction and this is what’s happening when you bring the comb near the stream of water.

I'd like another chemist's opinion on this, but before I say it's wrong, I want some support :)  It's the charge-dipole force that causes the water to bend...and the running water has no charge to it.  Right?

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Re: Electric Water Bender
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2007, 12:44:22 PM »
It's the charge-dipole force that causes the water to bend...

Sounds plausible.

and the running water has no charge to it.  Right?

Probably right, although it may be more complicated than that. Pure water is an insulator, why can't it have some static charge on its surface? Still, that'll be for utrapure water only.

If the only reason for bending is electrostatic (charge/dipole) and has nothing to do with water movement, flat water surface should rise when you put something charged above the surface. This effect should be relatively easy to measure, as water surface is refractive.
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Re: Electric Water Bender
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2007, 03:02:10 PM »

If the only reason for bending is electrostatic (charge/dipole) and has nothing to do with water movement, flat water surface should rise when you put something charged above the surface. This effect should be relatively easy to measure, as water surface is refractive.

Except for the very strong surface tension for water (which in pouring water, the breaking up of the water reduces the surface tension), the force might not in fact be strong enough to overcome that force in a puddle of water. Also, because water is a liquid, the only way to have perfectly still water would be in a stationary vessel. And you will be working with the surface of water parallel to the earths surface, as a result you have to overcome the maximum gravitational force possibly exerted on the water. Water running vertical, you are pulling perpendicular to the force of gravity, working against the least possible force of gravity.

If you where to try and see if still water is effected, try it at higher temperature as to reduce the surface tension.

The best way to test this would be ion the International Space Station, with warm water "floating" "perfectly" still in a bubble. Maybe somebody should email NASA and ask them to test it. Or the Russians, but they would probably charge you $10,000 dollars.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2007, 03:50:37 PM by enahs »

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Re: Electric Water Bender
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2007, 04:03:04 PM »
You are mostly right, however, I feel like the angle that we are able to measure is so small, that even pretty small force (when compared to gravitation and surface tension) could be able to bend surface enough.

I wonder if it is a good idea with hot water - while it will lower surface tension, it could add convection - and we want water to be motionless as possible.

Blue is water surface, red is a laser beam. Light blue is water surface bent with electrostatic field, light red is a laser beam reflected from the water surface. Now, you are perfectly right that the surface is bent very slightly, but to get higher sensibility we have just to move our detector farther from the water. Seems doable.
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Re: Electric Water Bender
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2007, 04:26:06 PM »
Ohh yes, very do able with a real laser and rig. You could, with serious equipment you could detect movement down to a nanometer or even a picometer. Hardly the same thing as running a comb through your hair and holding it near water though!  ;D

Good point on the water convection, as well. However, with such sensitive equipment as a serious laser rig, you could also use micro liters of water to reduce the possibility of convection.

It would be interesting to know how much difference surface tension might make, if at all. 

Offline LesClaypool

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Re: Electric Water Bender
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2007, 04:40:41 PM »
Thank you all for your comments. I will analyse all of your comment. I have also sent the link to Robert Bruce, he will take a look. In seaching some tag you have suggest here, I have found some other useful info. It's appreciated! Thank you

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