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What is the chemical formulae for blood? ???

Donaldson Tan:
blood is a mixture of compounds.

But it can still have a formulae...


limpet chicken:
A mixture of compounds can't have a single formula, do you mean the total composition of blood?

Blood is composed mainly of water, and various salts in solution, and the red blood cells, with lesser amounts of white blood cells, of various kinds, and platelets which bind with the protein fibrin to cause the blood to clot in tissue injury.

There are also various antibodies in there, which are different, from person to person.

(Heh, and in my case, I woul say that 99.9% of the time, theres some form of cannabinoid compounds liberally mixed in too ;D)

it's almost the same question as asking what is a protein's (eg. lactoferin) chemical formula?  Or what is DNA's chemical formula.  We might know the Adenine, Cytosine, Thymine, Guanine, and their chemical composition, but much larger molecules are unknown.  If we did then it would be easy to cure everything.  Try searching for glycoproteins and see the extent of their composition.


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